Templates Operator

The Templates operator is used to create and manage template files on the system. It also allows injecting variables from commands or provided input data.


template: <TEMPLATE_PATH>
owner: <OWNER>
group: <GROUP>
  - type: <TYPE>
    input: <INPUT>
    variable: <VARIABLE>
onlyIf: <sub-command> (Requires version 1.2.6 or higher)
notIf: <sub-command> (Requires version 1.2.6 or higher)
  • template: The local path where the template file will be saved.
  • source: The URL or path to the template file’s source location.
  • perms: The file permissions to set (e.g., 0664).
  • owner: The owner of the file.
  • group: The group owner of the file.
  • vars: A list of variables to inject into the template.
  • type: The type of variable source (e.g., value).
  • input: The input value or expression to evaluate.
  • variable: The variable name to use in the template.
  • onlyIf: This sub command will run and if an output is received it will return true and thus allow execution
  • notIf: This sub command will run and if an output is received it will return false and thus prevent execution


template: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brucedom/bruce/main/examples/nginx/templates/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
perms: 0664
owner: root
group: root
  - type: value
    input: nginx|apt=www-data
    variable: NGINX_USER

In this example, the Templates operator downloads the Nginx configuration file from the provided URL and saves it to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf with the specified permissions, owner, and group. It also injects the variable NGINX_USER with the value nginx or www-data, depending on the operating system.

Example 2:

template: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brucedom/bruce/main/examples/nginx/templates/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
perms: 0664
owner: root
group: root
  - type: value
    input: nginx|apt=www-data
    variable: NGINX_USER
notIf: ls /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service

In the above example, the Templates operator only executes if the /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service file does not exist.

Example 3:

template: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brucedom/bruce/main/examples/nginx/templates/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
perms: 0664
owner: root
group: root
  - type: value
    input: nginx|apt=www-data
    variable: NGINX_USER
onlyIf: ls /tmp/output.txt

In the above example, the Templates operator only executes if the /tmp/output.txt file exists.