Tarball Operator

The Tarball operator is used to download and extract a tarball archive to a specified directory.


- tarball: <TARBALL>
  force: <FORCE>
  stripRoot: <STRIPROOT>
  onlyIf: <sub-command> #(Requires version 1.2.6 or higher)
  notIf: <sub-command> #(Requires version 1.2.6 or higher)
  • tarball: The location of the tarball archive to be downloaded.
  • dest: The directory where the tarball should be extracted.
  • force: A boolean value that determines if the destination directory should be overwritten if it already exists.
  • stripRoot: A boolean value that determines if the first directory from every path should be stripped.
  • onlyIf: This sub command will run and if an output is received it will return true and thus allow execution
  • notIf: This sub command will run and if an output is received it will return false and thus prevent execution

Example 1:

- tarball: https://go.dev/dl/go1.19.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  dest: /tmp/go
  force: true # force will overwrite if destination exists or skip with info message if false
  stripRoot: true # will strip the first directory from every path, useful if the tarball contains an initial directory

In this example, the Tarball operator will download the tarball archive from the specified URL and extract it to the /tmp/go directory. The force and stripRoot options are set to true and true respectively. The force option will overwrite the destination directory if it already exists. The stripRoot option will strip the first directory from every path, which is useful if the tarball contains an initial directory. So what makes this useful is it allows you to download golang and extract it over a previous version of golang without having to worry about the directory structure. Please do keep in mind though that you may actually not want to do this as new versions may require cleaning up some of the files that were previously installed. However if you did already “create” an empty directory then this makes it easy to just extract into the existing directory.

Example 2:

- tarball: https://go.dev/dl/go1.19.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  dest: /tmp/go
  force: true # force will overwrite if destination exists or skip with info message if false
  stripRoot: true # will strip the first directory from every path, useful if the tarball contains an initial directory
  onlyIf: /usr/bin/ls /tmp/go

In this example the tarball operator will only execute the tarball command if the /tmp/go exists.

Example 3:

- tarball: https://go.dev/dl/go1.19.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  dest: /tmp/go
  force: true # force will overwrite if destination exists or skip with info message if false
  stripRoot: true # will strip the first directory from every path, useful if the tarball contains an initial directory
  notIf: /usr/bin/ls /tmp/go

In this example the tarball operator will only execute the tarball command if the /tmp/go does not exist.